
PAHA Fundraising Opportunities

  • Cash Raffle Drawing: Each family will receive 20 tickets for one player and 6 tickets for each additional sibling. Tickets are to be sold for $10 each. Purchasers must be 18 years of age. **Keep in mind that you have already paid for your raffle fundraising fee so you keep the money from the tickets** ALL ticket stubs must be turned in, regardless if you sell them or not. The raffle drawing will take place on February 22, 2025. Need not be present to win. 
  • If you wish to sell extra raffle tickets, you have a chance to win up to 3 prizes! You can purchase the book(s) from one of the fundraising coordinators and your name will go into the corresponding drawing. 
  • Sell 1 extra book = entry into drawing #1
  • Sell 2 extra books = entry into drawings #1 & 2
  • Sell 3 extra books = entry into drawings #1, 2 & 3 
  • Drawing 1: $75 worth of apparel from PAHA Online Store
  • Drawing 2: $125 gift card to Play It Again
  • Drawing 3: FREE PAHA hockey registration next season (2024-2025)

Individual Team Fundraising

If you are interested in participating in any individual team fundraising opportunities outside of your home tournament, please contact one of the Fundraising Coordinators to seek approval from the PAHA Board before moving forward. 

PAHA Fundraising Contacts

Stacey Dunbar

Fundraising Coordinator


Alicia Muellner

Fundraising Coordinator


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